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Our health solution partners

Updated: May 8, 2023

Health is a very broad concept, which includes physical, mental and social health.

Physical health primarily includes healthy eating, regular exercises, good rests and health issue consultation.

For healthy eating, you can check our high quality healthy recipes. If you have underlying health conditions, you may consult with our diet coach (dietitian) partners. If you don't have time for shopping and preparing food, you can connect with our healthy food delivery partners.

Modify Health Brand

Gluten-free and low-sodium, Mediterranean or Low-FODMAP plan

You can save 20% on your first order with code "BLUEEDEN".

Click Here to Order.

Check our Detailed Review.

Snap Kitchen Brand

Gluten-free, Snap Pass program

You can save $20 on your first weekly plan, or save $60 off your first 3 weeks plan with our Promo Codes.

Check our Detailed Review, and get Promo Codes.

Martha Stewart & Marley Spoon Brand

Less expensive, kid friendly

You can save up to $190 off 4 orders (64.4% off on your first order).

Click Here to Order.

Check our Detailed Review.

Clean Plates Brand

Balanced gourmet and FIT meal

You can get 20% off with code trycleanplates, and receive $20.00 credit dollars.

Click Here to Order.

Check our Detailed Review.


Help Canadians connect with a dietitian and find the nutrition and food information that they need when they need it.

For regular exercises, you can check our recommended exercise guideline. If you need help to lose weight, build muscle or achieve specific objectives, you can connect with our fitness coach (personal trainer) partners.

Kathy Peak Performance Coach and Fitness Trainer

For good rests, you can learn some basics about Yoga and Meditation from our Tree of Life. Since Yoga is not easy to learn and may cause injury, if you need more helps to learn Yoga, you can connect with our Yoga tutor partners, who are also experts in meditation.

Merishka Wellbeing Coach and Yoga Tutor

For specific health issues, we recommend you to visit our disease solutions from our Tree of Life. You can learn some useful information and knowledge about your health issues. You will primarily work with your family doctor to solve your issues. However, when you don't have a family doctor, you can connect with our Telehealth partners for helps.

Your Doctors Online

Provide affordable and easily accessible virtual health care worldwide for women and their families with the help of board-certified online doctors, primarily in U.S. and Canada.

Mental health primarily includes stress management and mental health issues, such as addictions.

For stress management and related mental health issues, you can firstly check our solution from the Tree of Life. If you need further helps, you can connect with our life coach, mental health coach, and happiness coach partners.

Kathy Peak Performance Coach and Family Coach

For mental health issues, you can connect with our Mental Health and Telehealth partners for helps.


Canada's largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world's leading research centres in its field.

Social health primarily includes parenting and relationship management.

For good parenting, you may check our parenting article first. If you need more helps, you can connect with our parenting coach partners.

Merishka Wellbeing Coach and Yoga Tutor

For good relationship management, you may check our relationship management article first. If you need more helps, you can connect with our relationship coach partners.

Kathy Peak Performance Coach and Family Coach

In conclusion, we can include all the solution partners covering all the important aspects of good health. We can help you achieve a healthy life.

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