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How to build a better world

Blue Eden Project

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

Day 1:

God created the world in 7 days.

We also need some time to have a good thinking of how to make the world better.

People have their individual issues while the world has its own problems. However, you can't think those issues or problems are totally different things. Everything is connected. Those are related in subtle ways.

Blue Eden Project will help each individual person to achieve a healthy, financial worry-free, wise and happy life. It basically helps people to solve individual issues. If all people achieve a better life, it also helps to solve some world problems, which leads to a better world.

If we can truly gather all the great talents from all over the world into our platform, we may find some ways to solve all the world problems in the future.

But now, our focus should be to help each individual person to thrive and enjoy a better life.

Day 2:

There are many aspects of life. Properly defining the scope and the breakdown of Blue Eden Project is similar to the following tasks:

  1. Properly classification of all animals in the world;

  2. Properly classification of all human knowledge.

After thorough analysis of all the important aspects of life, we finally determined to include the 4 most important sections:

  1. Health section: Health is a very broad concept, which includes physical, mental and social health. There are also lots of concepts and topics related to each branch of health section.

  2. Wealth section: "Wealth" could probably the best concept that can properly describe this section. This is all about building wealth, but not limited to personal finance or financial possessions. We believe the value chain of wealth is starting from education, then career development, and after that, the personal finance including retirement. Small business and start-up are usually not considered to be in the personal finance area, but those are important components of the wealth section.

  3. Wisdom section: Wisdom is another very broad concept. You can even say that all human knowledge belongs to this section. Therefore, there could be lots of intersections between wisdom section and other sections. For example, education can be classified into wealth or wisdom section; parenting or relationship management can be classified into social health or wisdom section; etc. We primarily include lifelong learning, how-to-do in life, and world problems in our wisdom section.

  4. Fun section: Fun is a much more broad concept than leisure and entertainment. Whatever fun, flow, or happiness is basically created within our own body through chemical reactions. Some people can achieve the status without doing any those leisure or entertainment things. There are countless ways to have fun, but we only include those that can properly work with or synergize with other sections.

Finally, we have determined the scope of the project to include health, wealth, wisdom and fun sections. And we will help each individual person to achieve a healthy, financial worry-free, wise and happy life, so that everybody can enjoy a better life.

Day 3:

Health is the basis of our life, and the foundation of wealth, wisdom, and fun. It is very common that many people sacrifice their health to earn more money, study late without rest, or get into addiction for fun. However, nothing can get our health back, and the cost could be lifetime.

Health also includes many aspects: physical health, mental health and social health. Physical health is about how to prevent diseases, and the primary things we need to do include healthy eating, regular exercises, good rest, and workplace and environmental safety.

In order to help everybody achieve a healthy life, healthy food is probably the most important and value added. We should provide the best healthy recipes that are also easy, fast, delicious and inexpensive. All people should be able to make their healthy food at home if they like.

In the meantime, we also need to let people know what are the characteristics of unhealthy food, such as Keto and other restricted food, as well as food with high sugar and salt.

We can connect people with healthy food delivery services, so that they can buy high quality food when they don't have time to prepare food. The price should also be inexpensive, so that people can eat healthy food everyday.

In short, the most important thing for the health section is to provide the best healthy recipes and connect people with the best healthy food delivery services.

Day 4:

In addition to healthy food, there are other important things that we can provide the necessary information to people, so that they know exactly how to best prevent diseases and keep good health.

There are some things that rely on people's awareness:

  1. Regular exercises: You can do walking, jogging, hiking, running, biking, swimming, or play sports. It only takes about 30 minutes per day, but the benefits can be huge.

  2. Good rest and sleep: 50 minutes of work or study with 10 minutes of rest, 2 hours of screen time limit, plus 9 hours of good sleep, you will never feel tired again.

  3. Good hygiene: It's all common sense, and rely on people's good habits.

  4. Workplace and environmental safety: We can provide the necessary information, but people need to take actions by themselves.

There are some areas that people really need some helps, and we can connect them with the necessary knowledge and services:

  1. Meditation is easier and most people can learn by themselves with good tutorials. It only takes about 30 minutes per day, but the benefits can be huge.

  2. Yoga is more advanced and complex, and a good yoga teacher is probably necessary. We will connect people with the best yoga teacher. A small initial investment can bring big benefits to both physical and mental health.

  3. For mental and social health, most people will learn how to best deal with stress, and learn the best ways for parenting and relationship management on our Blue Eden Platform. However, when things get complicated, some people may really need some actual helps. Then, we can connect them with professionals to help handle difficult situations.

In summary, in order to help people best prevent diseases, in addition to healthy food, we can connect them with the necessary knowledge and services. People can learn the most easy and effective ways to keep healthy, but they also need to take actions by themselves. When things get complicated, we can connect them with the best professionals to solve those problems.

Day 5:

By now, people can get all the information and helps from Blue Eden Project to best prevent diseases, and keep physical, mental and social health.

However, there are still small chances that people can get sick by accidents or special events, such as Covid or trauma. We can't prevent all health risks, but when more people are aware of the importance of health, hospitals will be much less occupied.

Since it is still in progress, there will still be lots of requirements for doctors. The health care system for each country could be very different, and the low efficiency of health care system is a global issue.

Our project will connect people with the most reliable telehealth systems in the world, and can also introduce some untraditional ways to treat diseases. There are not many common diseases, and we can certainly find the best ways to treat those common diseases.

In short, in addition to prevention, we can help people to find the best ways to treat common diseases, connect people with the most reliable telehealth systems in the world, and can also introduce some untraditional ways to treat diseases.

Day 6:

By now, we have covered all the health sections, and it is time to move on to the wealth section.

The value chain of wealth is starting from education, then career development, and after that, the personal finance including retirement.

Because money and wealth are so important, there will be lots of products and services competing to make money from you. There will be lots of pitfalls as well, which could be destructive to your financial goals.

Our Blue Eden Project will provide all the necessary information and knowledge to help you understand the most important things for the wealth section, avoid all pitfalls, and achieve your financial independence and happy retirement.

Let's start from education, which is from pre-school to university. This could be for you or your children. We can cover the following topics:

1. How to learn better and some useful learning tools. You can identify your learning styles.

2. How to plan for your education. Which school or university to go, and which major to choose, based on your (or your children's) learning skills, specialties, and other specific situations. You may also need to prepare for some tests, such as CCAT, CogAT, SSAT, etc. National or international competitions, arts and sports trainings and awards can also be very important for top university entrance. Education planning may require professional helps, and we can connect you with the best experts to help you.

3. How to best learn each subject. Learning in school is probably enough for most people. A good public or private school can provide all you need to learn. For primary and middle schools, it is primarily including math, science, computer, social studies, languages, etc. For universities, there could be lots of majors and fields of study. We will provide the best ways to learn each subject, major, or field of study, but you still need to spend some time and efforts to learn. When there is need, we can also connect you with the best tutors for each subject.

In short, we can provide all the necessary information and knowledge for better education, and can connect people with the best experts for education planning and learning.

Day 7:

With a good education, the next important thing to do is to have a good career development. We will provide the necessary information and knowledge to help people find jobs and pursue good careers. We can also connect people with career development counselors, resume writing and interview preparing services, so that they can find the best position available to support a high quality life.

Current issue with the job market is that not everyone who wants to work can find a job. Most jobs are not well paid as well. Especially for immigrants, even they have very good qualifications, they still can't find ideal jobs in current job market. Hot jobs are highly competitive and only few can get those positions. This is only for the first job, don't mention about second or third jobs.

Our Blue Eden Project will provide the best job platform that can help everybody find a good first, second, and even third jobs. We need to be creative to best utilize people's talents to build a better world while supporting their lifestyle and happy retirement.

To conclude, we can provide the necessary information and knowledge to help people find jobs and pursue good careers, can connect them with professional career services, and can even create the best job opportunities.

Day 8:

Based on solid and consistent income from jobs, people still need good personal financial planning to achieve financial independence and happy retirement.

We can provide the best recommendations to help people (for both pre-retirement and retirees) setup goals, save money for spending, understand budget and savings, manage retirement investment portfolio, understand about debt, protection and insurance, as well as tax and estate planning.

There are some common pitfalls that all people should be aware of:

  1. Bond is the way to get consistent income with principal protected. Bond ETF is not, and can be significantly depreciated in a rising interest rate environment.

  2. Don't trust any stock subscription or trading services, especially with pitch like "10X your investment", "Double in a month", etc. Nothing can beat S&P 500 index consistently.

  3. Don't YOLO (You only live once) one stock option with all your money. Speculation is just like buying a lottery. Speculative or short-term investments should be within 5% of all investments. You should be prepared to lose all the money invested for speculations.

  4. If you want to invest in a S&P 500 index ETF, don't expect any good short-term return. You have to consistently contribute each month over at least 30 years, and with dividend automatically reinvested.

  5. Don't try to time the market. When you believe the market will crash, it will go through the roof. When you believe the market will go up forever, it will crash hard. The only right thing to do is to buy more when the market crashes more than 50%, and wait for it to recover.

If there are some complex needs for investments, insurances, taxes and estate planning, we can also connect people with professional services.

Small business or real estate can be considered as a second job, or an investment. The purpose is to increase income and shorten the time required for financial freedom.

We can provide all the necessary information and knowledge to help people get started. We can also connect them with the best quality professional services to improve returns.

In summary, we can provide the best recommendations to help people achieve financial independence and happy retirement while avoiding all pitfalls. We can also connect them with the best quality professional services when required.

Day 9:

By now, we have covered all the health and wealth sections, and we will move on to the wisdom section.

Wisdom is a very broad concept, but we primarily focus on lifelong learning, how-to-do in life, and world problems.

For lifelong learning, you could learn the same subjects or fields of study as education, but the focus can be quite different. For education, you focus on finding a job; while for lifelong learning, the focus is on your own interests, higher quality of life, and self-fulfilling.

The contents for lifelong learning can be significantly broader than education as well. It can cover soft skills, arts, sports, and useful life skills, etc.

Our Blue Eden Platform will provide all the important lifelong learning contents to help people improve life quality and achieve a fulfilling life, and totally for free.

For some complicated skills or contents, we can also connect people with the best tutors for best learning experiences.

We also gather all the great ideas from all over the world, which can be a significant part of our lifelong learning platform.

In short, we can provide all the important lifelong learning contents, present all the great ideas from all over the world, and can connect people with the best tutors for best learning experiences.

Day 10:

In addition to lifelong learning, another important component for the wisdom section is how-to-do in life, which may include everything that we must or have to do in our life.

We will provide the best practices to help people do things more efficiently and effectively, save more time and money, and significantly improve life quality.

One of the most important areas include home related best practices, such as home decoration, cleaning, organizing, and fixing home related issues, etc.

Other important areas may include critical life events, such as pregnancy, new baby care, new parents related knowledge and experiences, etc.

We can also share other people's life stories and life pro tips, which could provide some useful ideas and recommendations for a better life.

In summary, we can provide all the best practices for how-to-do in life to help people do things more efficiently and effectively, and can also share other people's life stories and life pro tips.

Day 11:

One of a very important area for wisdom section is to solve world problems. We are primarily using a bottom up method. We are trying to find out some solutions that everyone can contribute something, little by little. When more people are aware and understand how they can really change the world by working together, we may finally solve those problems.

Let's have a look at some of current world problems:

  1. Poverty: Donation is helpful, but may not help much. Everybody has some talents, we need to let people utilize their talents to build a better world while supporting families.

  2. Climate change: It's not just as simple as controlling the carbon emission, everybody has to do something. Also, we need to find ways to reverse the change.

  3. Food insecurity: Just like poverty, donation may not help much. We need to find a better solution.

  4. Health care: This is one of our focus. We can help people better understand how to best prevent diseases, which will significantly reduce the burden for health care system.

  5. Disinformation: This is another focus for our project. We can provide all the important and accurate information about life, and can also help people to answer any questions about life, including: "Is my recipe healthy or not?", "Is this true or not?", "Is this product or service good or not?", etc.

After we find the best solutions for those problems, we can let everybody aware of those solutions and all people could take some helpful actions.

If those world problems can be solved, all people can benefit from it, and we can also make our life much better.

In short, we are primarily using a bottom up method to solve world problems. We will find the best solutions for those problems, and let everybody aware of those solutions, so that all people could take some helpful actions.

Day 12:

By now, we have covered all the health, wealth and wisdom sections, and we will move on to the fun section.

People are always seeking for happiness and fun. When you have retired or achieved financial freedom, what is the next thing to do? To find lots of fun in your life, such as travelling around the world!

There is good fun or bad fun. Sugar, smoking, and addictions can make lots of fun for sure, however they are detrimental to your health. Yoga and meditation can also bring fun and happiness, and they are very good for your physical and mental health.

Our Blue Eden Project will cover all the fun activities that can properly work with or synergize with other sections. You can choose any of those good funs for your happy life.

One of the most fun things to do is to travel around the world. We will provide all the best travel plans and itineraries for the best travel destinations and the top cities in the world for a visit. We also provide the most popular way to travel around the world.

There could be some special travel experiences, such as exotic travel or extreme adventure travel. We can also include those contents as well, so that people can have different choices.

In addition to travel plans, we can also provide the best travel tips, connect people with the best travel gears, books and advisory services, which can enhance people's experiences.

In short, we will provide all the best travel plans and itineraries for the best travel destinations and the top cities in the world for a visit. We can also provide the best travel tips, connect people with the best travel gears, books and advisory services.

Day 13:

In additional to travel, there are many other traditional fun activities.

The most fun things to do are probably games, including E-games and board games.

For E-games, you need to watch the screen, which should be limited to 2 hours per day. So we only recommend those short but very fun games. 30 minutes play time should be the max.

Board games are much more health friendly. There are really lots of very good board games that everybody can have a try. We don't recommend board games that are too complex or take too long to play. Because what all we need is fun, not competition or ranking. Board games can be expensive, so second-hand board games with high quality should be the way to go. For example, you buy the games with half the price, and you sell the games with half the price, then you play those games for free!

The next most fun things to do are music and movies. You don't need any technical skills to enjoy those wonderful fun. Music is better for health, since you don't need to watch screens to enjoy music. For movies, it may take 2 hours to watch a movie, so you may only watch movies once per week or per several weeks. We can gather all the best music and movies, and probably other useful contents into a brand new streaming service, so that people only need to subscribe to one service instead of many services.

Arts and sports are also traditional fun activities. Watching others play can be fun as well, but you can have the best fun when you try by yourselves. Learn some arts and learn some sports, that will make life much more fun.

Many people have pets, which can become good friends, companions, and bring lots of fun into life. We will provide all the great fun things to do with your pets, which can make the perfect day for both you and your pets.

The last but not the least traditional fun activity is collections. Many people have hobbies for collections, which can be expensive or not, can worth a lot of money in the future or just for fun. We can present all the common or weird collections, that could inspire you to start your own collections, which will sure bring lots of fun to your life.

In summary, we can present the best ways for enjoyment with traditional fun activities, and can also connect people with the best second-hand board games and integrated streaming service.

Day 14:

In additional to traditional fun activities, there are also lots of new and creative activities that can bring lots of fun to life. Imagination is without limit.

Escape room is one of the most popular fun activities that is not traditional. According to Wikipedia, "An escape room, also known as an escape game, puzzle room, or exit game, is a game in which a team of players discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in one or more rooms in order to accomplish a specific goal in a limited amount of time." Escape room is not a new concept, but it is very fun and untraditional.

Virtual tours are probably another untraditional fun activities to do after the pandemic. Many people don't have time or money to travel to the real place to have a visit. But they can visit virtually now. The experience could be quite different, but the virtual tours are also quite fun. However, either virtual tours or VR games or Metaverse, you still need to watch the screen, which is not so health friendly.

Another way to think of fun activities could be a combination with other aspects of life, such as health, wealth and wisdom. For example, we could have wellness and economic travel, which means people can have lots of fun during travel while also experiencing wellness activities, such as Yoga class, healthy food, sports, etc. And the cost is not expensive and most people can afford it. There could also be some fun activities that people can learn and earn financial rewards while playing games. We just need some imagination.

In conclusion, we can present the best ways for enjoyment with untraditional fun activities, and can also connect people with the best services in the world.

Day 15:

By now, we have covered all the health, wealth, wisdom and fun sections, and we will move on to the Eden Coin part.

Eden Coin is basically a reward system. We reward people who contribute great ideas or services for better life and better world.

Blockchain is a great invention, and the concept of cryptocurrency is also useful. However, there is no base value for most cryptos. You can say 1 Dogecoin could worth 100 USD or 1 cent, and there is not much difference. Most of the value is created by speculation.

For large cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there should be some value, but it is still not easy to evaluate.

Unlike most cryptos, Eden Coin will be based on special funding, which is the real money in USD. This fund will be professionally managed, so that it can generate good returns.

In addition to that, we can also inject some project revenue into the special funding to maintain and appreciate the value of Eden Coin.

Due to inflation, your money will worth much less during long period of time. Assume inflation is 2%, after 20 years, $100 will worth less than $70. In fact, inflation rate could be much higher than that. This is not so friendly, especially for retired people.

One function of Eden Coin would be to hedge against inflation. Each year, the value of Eden Coin will be adjusted per inflation rate and project revenue.

Eden Coin is more like a stock, but you can't buy goods and services with stocks. So, Eden Coin could be considered as an invention, that could integrate many functions into one platform.

How can we support the value of Eden Coin? In addition to coaching, we will have many different revenue streams. Just think about it. Everybody will have to purchase food, buy furniture and decors, read books, learn something new, play games, have travels, etc. We will provide better quality products and services but with lower price. This type of mutual benefits will be the foundation for our project revenue.

In summary, we use Eden Coin to reward people who contribute great ideas or services for better life and better world. The value of Eden Coin will be adjusted per inflation rate and project revenue each year. We use many different revenue streams to support the value of Eden Coin.

Day 16:

By now, we have covered our reward system, and we will move on to our solution system.

Everybody needs to know about all the important aspects of life, and could have some issues with life. Most of the issues are small and can be solved without paying money.

The first level of our solution system is the "Tree of Life". The Tree of Life is basically a knowledge tree about life, or an encyclopedia of life.

A tree structure can help people have a big picture about all the important aspects of life, and easily find what they need in an efficient way.

All the articles on the tree should be the most practical and best solutions about each topic or issue in life.

The original contents can be created by the project team or submitted by members. All articles will be reviewed by researchers and voted by members. Researchers are experts in the area and can ensure the accuracy and quality of the articles, while higher voting means higher popularity and usefulness.

The persons who create the contents will get Contribution Points (will be converted to Eden Coin) as rewards.

In the meantime, all the contents or solutions can be challenged and replaced with better ones. The successful challengers will get rewards. This mechanism will ensure that our solutions are always the best solutions.

The original tree may not cover all the important areas, but new questions and issues can be submitted by members and added to the tree. So the Tree of Life will keep evolving and expanding, and will always answer all questions about life and can solve all issues in life.

There are 2 versions of the Tree of Life, a general version and a personalized version. The general version will include all the topics about better life. When people don't have much time and need a more personalized solution, they can also check our customized Tree of Life by answering some simple questions.

In conclusion, the first level of our solution system is the "Tree of Life", which will include all the important aspects of life and provide the best practical solutions for life. There is a general version and a personalized version of the Tree of Life.

Day 17:

Tree of Life can help people to solve many issues in life, and totally for free. However, there could be some limitations:

  1. The best solutions could still be general, and not fit for special needs or situations.

  2. Some people may need some helps to better understand how to use best solutions.

  3. There could be new issues not listed in the Tree of Life.

  4. There could be some issues that are not important or too specific to be listed in the Tree of Life.

  5. Other situations.

People need both authoritative answers and personalized helps. So the second level of our solution system is our focused forums called "Ask Questions About Life".

There are some common issues, such as "Is my recipe healthy or not". People can submit their recipes, and we can analyze and advise if those recipes are healthy.

There are also 4 sub-forums, so that people can ask specific questions or issues about life. Those 4 sub-forums can cover the health, wealth, wisdom, and fun sections.

Our researchers are the experts in those areas, and can earn rewards by answering questions.

All members can vote for those questions or issues, the highly voted ones will have higher priority and could be added to our Tree of Life.

In short, the second level of our solution system is our focused forums called "Ask Questions About Life". People can get authoritative answers and personalized helps from experts in those fields.

Day 18:

Tree of Life and focused forums can help people to solve most issues in life, and totally for free. However, there could still be some limitations:

  1. Sometimes, people need the real products and services instead of just consultation. For example, we can provide the best healthy recipes, but people may not have time to buy the food ingredients or prepare meals. The only solution would be to deliver the food ingredients or prepared meals to their homes.

  2. Sometimes, people may need consistent helps instead of one-off question. When issues are complicated, like setting up goals for life, developing good habits, or specific health, family, or financial situations, just an encyclopedia and a forum may not be able to solve those issues. The only solution would be a personalized coaching.

  3. Other situations.

People have complex needs and require consistent helps, so the third level of our solution system is our solution partners.

We primarily include 2 types of solution partners: small business partners and partners for better life.

For small businesses or start-ups, we can cover all the important areas: coaching, idea verification, business planning, funding, hiring, marketing, operation, etc.

For better life, we can cover many different aspects of life:

  1. Coaching: life coach, diet coach, fitness coach, mental health coach, happiness coach, relationship coach, parenting coach, education coach, career coach, financial coach, retirement coach, travel coach, etc.

  2. Tutors: math tutor, science tutor, computer tutor, arts tutor, sports tutor, yoga tutor, lifelong learning tutor, etc.

  3. Healthy food delivery.

  4. Interior design, furniture, and home decoration.

  5. Telehealth services.

  6. Streaming services.

  7. Second-hand board games.

  8. Other products and services.

We only connect with the best solution partners with high quality of services and reasonable price.

In many areas, there should already exist the best solution partners. If there are no partners that can meet our requirements, we can create our own solutions under the Blue Eden Project. The purpose is to help all people to solve all issues in life in one platform.

In summary, the third level of our solution system is our solution partners. We can help people to connect with the best solution partners with high quality of services and reasonable price.

Now we have established a good foundation for building a better world. There will still be lots of things to do and various problems to resolve, but this is really a good starting point.

Let's work together to achieve a better life and build a better world!

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