We have lots of problems in the world. It does affect all human beings in the world, weather you are wealthy or not, weather you are developed countries or developing countries. There are two approaches to deal with those problems: the top down method and the bottom up method. In this forum, I think we are primarily using a bottom up method. We are trying to find out some solutions that everyone can contribute something, little by little. When more people are aware and understand how they can really change the world by working together, we may finally resolve those problems.
We will separate all those problems into different posts, and all members are welcome here to discuss. If you have found any new problems that may need to be discussed, you can create a new thread for discussion.
In order to solve a world problem, we have to fully understand the problem first. Why there is a problem, and what's the cause of the problem. "A problem well stated is a problem half solved"(Charles Kettering).