A true balanced life is balanced between the most important aspects of life, including health, wealth, wisdom and fun.
We have hand picked the top 10 areas that can best synergize the different aspects of life. When you pay more attention and spend more time on those areas, you can best utilize your time to achieve a healthy, financial worry-free, wise and happy life.
No. 1: Healthy Food (Synergize between health, wealth, wisdom and fun)
You can never overestimate how important is healthy food for overall life quality. You are what you eat. What you eat will finally become every part of your body. The primary cause of common chronic diseases, like heart diseases and diabetes, is unhealthy food.
The best healthy food should also be delicious, easy, fast and inexpensive. If the healthy food can be bought, at least it should be delicious.
Healthy food is not only related to your health, it is also related to other aspects of your life. Food is a big part of your monthly bills, many of your home appliances are related to cooking, heating, storage (fridge), etc., and you spend several hours to prepare and eat food everyday. Eating outside can be expensive as well.
Planning and preparing food require thoughtful consideration. Cooking and finally enjoying those delicious food can be quite fun as well.
In short, healthy food is the top one topic to improve your life quality.
No. 2: Comfy Home (Synergize between health, wealth, wisdom and fun)
A cozy and comfy home is a solid foundation of our life. Dust and mold can be harmful to our physical health, a messy home can be harmful to our mental and social health as well.
Undeniably, home expenditure is the largest one in our life. Mortgage or rental, furniture, decoration, you can name all the big expenses related to home.
How to design a better home environment is a very intelligent thinking process that could take lots of time. A well-designed and beautiful home can definitely make you feel fun and happy.
In short, a comfy home can significantly improve your life quality and happiness.
No. 3: Good Parenting (Synergize between health, wealth, wisdom and fun)
Most people will become parents. If you would like to become a parent, a good parenting should be the third important area in life to focus on.
Parenting could cause lots of stress, and could be a critical factor for your mental and social health.
It can cost lots of money to raise a child. Just think about how much you spent for your child's clothes, toys, education, and a bright future. You also need to spend a lot of time with your child.
To be a good parent is never an easy task. There are so many skills and techniques to learn for raising a good child. However, this is also a really fun process. Think about all the moments you play with your child and watch his or her exciting faces.
In short, good parenting skills are the most important skills to learn for parents.
No. 4: Travel Around the World (Synergize between health, wealth, wisdom and fun)
Of all the fun activities, travel should be the most fun but most costly one. Of all the travels, travelling around the world should be the most fun but most costly one. Many retirees' dream is just to travel around the world. During working days, you can certainly travel around part of the world each year.
Travelling usually involves lots of walking and makes us closer to the nature, which can be helpful for our physical health. The enjoyment and relaxing during travel helps to improve mental health. Travelling in a party or with family is also a good opportunity to improve social health.
Travelling can also expand our visions and help us have a better understanding about the world. Many great business ideas originated from travelling as well.
In short, travelling around the world can be the most enjoying activity for our life.
No. 5: Good Relationship (Synergize between health, wealth, wisdom and fun)
Most people will find the most important other part. If you would like to build a good family, good relationship management should be an important area in life to focus on.
Just like parenting, relationship issues could cause lots of stress, and could be a critical factor for your mental and social health.
It can cost lots of money to maintain or break a relationship.
To maintain a good relationship is never an easy task. There are so many skills and techniques to learn for sure. However, a good relationship can also improve your happiness significantly.
In short, good relationship management skills are the most important skills for spouses or common law partners.
No. 6: Yoga and Meditation (Synergize between health, wisdom and fun)
Yoga and meditation could be the most easy and inexpensive way to enjoy both physical and mental health. Half an hour a day of yoga and meditation can really change your life.
In addition to better health, with long-term practices of yoga and meditation, you can have clearer and deeper thinking, and can connect more parts in your brain.
Yoga and meditation also can help you get into a deep enjoyment and achieve a long-term happiness.
In short, all people should learn some easy ways for yoga and meditation for better life quality.
No. 7: Arts and Sports (Synergize between health, wisdom and fun)
Learning some arts and sports can bring lots of fun to our life, and also can improve our physical and mental health significantly. Lots of successful people after financial freedom start to learn music or paintings, start to play golf more frequently, and start to experience some extreme sports.
Arts are especially useful to develop the right side of the brain and increase memory, cognition and creativity. Just listening to beautiful music is enough to improve your mental health and happiness significantly.
Sports can help make brain more efficient by boosting blood flow to the brain, and enabling body to build more connections between nerves within the brain. In addition, sports promote hand-eye coordination and judgement. Sports are also much fun than just exercising.
In short, all people should learn some arts and sports for better life quality.
No. 8: Board Games (Synergize between health, wisdom and fun)
E-games usually require you to watch screens for a long period of time, which is not so healthy as board games. Cooperative board games can also promote good mental and social health.
Good board games can be really fun and thought provoking. There are lots of good board games help improve strategic thinking and delicate calculations. Just to remind you, Chess and Go are the most popular traditional board games in the world.
In short, more people should play more board games instead of computer, video or mobile games.
No. 9: Stress Management (Synergize between health and wisdom)
Stress is very common to people but can be destructive to our life. Some common causes include health issues, financial problems, learning difficulties, workplace or environment issues, relationship or parenting problems, accidents, etc.
Stress management is critical to both physical, mental and social health. There are also lots of skill and techniques that can help you reduce stress.
In short, just like yoga and meditation, all people should learn some easy ways to reduce stress for better life quality.
No. 10: Lifelong Learning (Synergize between wisdom and fun)
Formal education is usually more related to jobs and careers, which may cause some stress and health issues. It's also more like an investment, which could also involve lots of stress. In general, the whole wealth section isn't really contributing to a healthy and happy life. But of course, money is very important and is essential to a high quality life.
On the other hand, lifelong learning is quite different. The purpose is not to earn money, but to expand vision, seek interests, and learn something meaningful to life. Lifelong learning can be quite fun as well, and is more like a consumption or entertainment.
In short, lifelong leaning can be really wise and fun activities that contribute to higher quality of life.
Blue Eden Project, achieve a better life and build a better world.