Best solutions for the Blue Eden Project are the most practical and useful solutions under the project scope, which can help people achieve a healthy, financial worry-free, wise and happy life.
All the best solutions will be provided for free to all people in the world, and the purpose is to help people solve related issues and problems in life, improve life quality, and achieve a better life with the best information and knowledge available.
What's the value of the best solutions? It's quite similar to the concepts used in management consulting and programming.
In management consulting, there is the best practice, which is summarized according to many similar businesses, and can be a very good guide to help business solve problems.
In programming, there are reusable functions and modules, such as calendar and calculators, which can be usable in many different parts of a system and can help save lots of time and efforts to redevelop.
So the value of the best solutions is to guide people to solve problems in life according to many other people's experiences, and can be usable in many different life situations to save lots of time, money and efforts.
There are primarily two types of best solutions: competitive or non-competitive.
Competitive best solutions mean that there could be zero-sum result. For example, if there is a very good day-trade strategy that can make consistent profit in the stock market, it can only be used by a small group of traders effectively, because more users mean competition and invalidation of the strategy. Another example is an insider strategy for the top university entrance, which can cause fierce competition and some troubles to those universities if many people have good command of the strategy.
Non-competitive best solutions are those that everybody can benefit from those strategies and do not affect other people to enjoy the benefits. For example, if there is a very good healthy recipe that is easy, fast, delicious and inexpensive, all people can learn how to cook it and enjoy the benefits. Another example is self-learn how to draw or photograph, all people can know the best ways to learn those skills and do not affect others at all.
There could be some boarder-line best solutions that are not clear-cut. For example, for the best guide to travel in London. If all people use the same guide to travel in London, it could be too crowd for those places. However, people may not visit London at the same time, and there could be several best guides available for different people. Therefore, it is hard to say if those solutions are competitive or non-competitive.
Generally speaking, we welcome all the non-competitive best solutions, which can help many people solve problems in life and help build a better world. We will estimate the impacts for boarder-line best solutions to make sure it is best for most people and with positive social impacts. We will modify competitive best solutions, so that they may not be too straightforward; they can be good concepts or methodologies, but not the procedures or operation manuals.
Another important concept for best solutions is the scope and usability. The best solutions could be outdated some days in the future, could be invalidated in some places or situations, and could be suitable only for the people in some specific cultures.
If the best solutions have any limits, we need to add those in the "Key Points" section. If the best solutions are outdated, we need to keep them most updated.
For the key characteristics of the best solutions:
It should be able to solve the problems efficiently and effectively.
It should be valuable to most people, and have positive social impact.
It should be concise, easy to understand and execute, and to the point.
It should be the best options available based on current human knowledge.
For the same problems in life, there could be several best solutions that can help different people or use different ways to solve problems.
We can obtain the best solutions through many different ways:
Contests: The winners get rewards and we get the best solutions.
Submissions: Our research team will review all the submitted best solutions, and all members can test and vote for those solutions. The most popular and fact-proven best solutions can be added to our Tree of Life.
Challenges: Any member can challenge the existing best solutions. Successful challenge will get rewards.
Donations: We welcome all the experts in different areas to submit best solutions as donations, and we can add their names to our website. This will benefit all people and the world as a whole.
In summary, best solutions are one of the key parts for the Blue Eden Project. We will try our best to obtain as many as best solutions possible, so that we can help more people to achieve a healthy, financial worry-free, wise and happy life.