Day 1 recap: Our focus should be to help each individual person to thrive and enjoy a better life.
Day 2 recap: We have determined the scope of the project to include health, wealth, wisdom and fun sections.
Day 3 recap: We will provide the best healthy recipes and connect people with the best healthy food delivery services.
Day 4 recap: People can learn the most easy and effective ways to keep healthy, but they also need to take actions by themselves. When things get complicated, we can connect them with the best professionals to solve those problems.
Day 5 recap: We can help people to find the best ways to treat common diseases, connect people with the most reliable telehealth systems in the world, and can also introduce some untraditional ways to treat diseases.
By now, we have covered all the health sections, and it is time to move on to the wealth section.
The value chain of wealth is starting from education, then career development, and after that, the personal finance including retirement.
Because money and wealth are so important, there will be lots of products and services competing to make money from you. There will be lots of pitfalls as well, which could be destructive to your financial goals.
Our Blue Eden Project will provide all the necessary information and knowledge to help you understand the most important things for the wealth section, avoid all pitfalls, and achieve your financial independence and happy retirement.
Let's start from education, which is from pre-school to university. This could be for you or your children. We can cover the following topics:
1. How to learn better and some useful learning tools. You can identify your learning styles.
2. How to plan for your education. Which school or university to go, and which major to choose, based on your (or your children's) learning skills, specialties, and other specific situations. You may also need to prepare for some tests, such as CCAT, CogAT, SSAT, etc. National or international competitions, arts and sports trainings and awards can also be very important for top university entrance. Education planning may require professional helps, and we can connect you with the best experts to help you.
3. How to best learn each subject. Learning in school is probably enough for most people. A good public or private school can provide all you need to learn. For primary and middle schools, it is primarily including math, science, computer, social studies, languages, etc. For universities, there could be lots of majors and fields of study. We will provide the best ways to learn each subject, major, or field of study, but you still need to spend some time and efforts to learn. When there is need, we can also connect you with the best tutors for each subject.
In short, we can provide all the necessary information and knowledge for better education, and can connect people with the best experts for education planning and learning.
That is good for Day 6.